"The god that never was" CD van Dismember

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Heruitgave op CD. Oorspronkelijk uitgebracht in 2006.
Artikelnr. 562784
Titel The god that never was
Muziekgenre Progressive Rock
Artikelonderwerp Bands
Band Dismember
Releasedatum 27-10-2023
Sexe Unisex
Producttype CD
Mediaformaat 1-3 CD
Verantwoordelijke marktdeelnemer EU Believe Digital GmbH
Van-der-Smissen-Str. 3
22767 Hamburg

CD 1

  • 1.
    The God That Never Was
  • 2.
    Shadows of the Mutilated
  • 3.
    Time Heals Nothing
  • 4.
  • 5.
    Never Forget, Never Forgive
  • 6.
    Trail of the Dead
  • 7.
    Phantoms (of the Oath)
  • 8.
    Into the Temple of Humiliation
  • 9.
    Blood for Paradise
  • 10.
    Feel the Darkness
  • 11.
    Where No Ghost is Holy